Advisory Committee
North subdistrict committee

South subdistrict committee

Janna Hansen – Town of Crested Butte Parks and Recreation Director
Derek Harwell – Crested Butte South POA Manager
Addison Ives – Town of Mount Crested Butte Parks Department Supervisor
Than Acuff – Crested Butte Avalanche Center and Crested Butte Community School High School Soccer Coach
Hedda Peterson – Crested Butte Nordic Executive Director
Dave Ochs – Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association & Crested Butte Conservation Corp Executive Director
Jillian Liebl – Crested Butte Center for the Arts Executive Director
Daniel Kreykes – Independent
Dan Vollendorf – City of Gunnison Parks and Recreation Director
Matt Quinn – Gunnison Ranger District Recreation Director Staff
Susan Powers – Gunnison High School Assistant Principal and Boys Soccer Coach
Tim Kugler – Gunnison Trails Executive Director
Nick Catmur – Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee Coordinator
Elizabeth Gillis – City of Gunnison Senior Center Coordinator
Arly Landry – Gunnison Creative District Executive Director
Natalia Linares – Inmigrantes Unidos de Gunnison Leadership Committee
Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District
Recreation Advisory Committees
October 2022
Advisory Committee Formation
With the successful passage of the 2018 ballot initiative 7D, the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District (MetRec) re-established for MetRec’s north and south subdistricts. The northern subdistrict encompasses the area located within the Crested Butte Fire Protection District (approximately the East River valley north of Round Mountain, including Crested Butte South, Skyland, Crested Butte, Mt Crested Butte, and the surrounding areas). The southern subdistrict encompasses the rest of MetRec’s Service Area (see map below).
Advisory Committee Purpose
A recreation advisory committee is a proactive group of individuals who are appointed by the MetRec Board to advise and make recommendations regarding its recreation grant programs and strategic aims.
Some of the specific functions of a recreation advisory committee might include:
- Developing and recommending grant programs, applications, and budget
- Identifying and prioritizing needs for parks, trails, sports fields, and other recreational facilities and amenities.
- Providing feedback and suggestions on proposed parks and recreation projects, plans, and budgets.
- Serving as a liaison between the community and local government officials, advocating for the needs and interests of residents related to recreation and leisure activities.
- Strategic planning
Advisory Committee Structure
Each Advisory Committee can have up to seven members. Committee members are expected to serve a three-year term. If committee members wish to serve an additional term, they must provide the Board of Directors with a letter of interest stating their desires for being appointed for an additional three-year term.
The Advisory Committees meet quarterly with additional meetings held as needed.
Committee Member Roles & Expectations
- Soliciting input on desired projects and initiatives from the population within the subdistricts
- Collaborate with MetRec staff to align MetRec’s programs and initiatives with priority community recreation needs
- Assist with the development of MetRec grant programs and grant review process
- Attend committee meetings (attendance of less than 50% of annual meetings can result in being unappointed from the Advisory Committee).
Persons desiring to be considered for membership on one of the two Advisory Committees shall:
- Be a resident or qualified elector from within the boundary of the sub-district
- Submit a letter of interest to the District Manager stating their desires and reasons for being considered by the appropriate committee
- Be appointed by the MetRec Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting
Questions, comments, and Letters of Interest should be submitted to the MetRec District Manager, Derrick Nehrenberg.